Friday, December 22, 2006

So far, so good

We're still at home and Lillian is doing well. Her counts as of Wednesday were good but we expect that by today they are low. They should recover around New Years if the pattern continues.

She also had her first physical and occupational therapy appointments this week since beginning chemotherapy. We had to wake her up from a nap to drive to the appointment so we were uncertain of how successful the therapy would be. But she was a trooper and did beautifully. The occupational therapist assessed her left arm to be functioning normally and her right arm to be functioning at around a 6-month old level. We believe that is due to the tumor resection and should recover with time. A big benefit in her recovery is her motivation to use her right hand. She complies when asked to use "righty" and often will use it first without being asked. The physical therapist has been working with Lillian on and off as an inpatient client since her diagnosis. We haven't seen her in a while and she was very impressed by Lillian's progress. That's our super-girl!

Attached is a photo of one of her favorite activities, a blanket ride. (Sometimes the best toys are free!) She happily crawls on the blanket, exclaims "all aboard" and the ride begins. An added bonus is the blanket sweeps the floors. Perhaps I should try spraying it with floor cleaner and it could double as a mop. Hmmmmm....

Oops, I hear the dulcet tones of a nap coming to an end. Gotta gear up for more blanket rides and parachute games. I'm just glad to see her appetite for playing hasn't decreased!

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