Friday, December 22, 2006

The Future

I came back into the living room yesterday morning to see Lillian talking on the phone, watching tv and playing a video game - all at the same time. I think I just got a glimpse into her teenage years and they're filled with tech toys.
Speaking of technology, if I could figure out how to make two photos in one post look attractive, I would feel a bit more secure in my blogging abilities. Instead you get to read two separate back-to-back postings just so I could show you both pictures. Perhaps I should ask the 13-year old who lives next door, she would probably know how. She could probably also get my tivo to work but that's another story.


Anonymous said...

We are so happy to see that you are still at home and that Lillian is enjoying some play time! Those photos are precious! I check in with the blog daily, and am always happy to hear how the progress is going. You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Wishing you all the best this Holiday season...Love Abra and Chip, and Patti too (she is visiting me this holiday season!)

Anonymous said...

Jeff, Lori and Lillian,
I just want to tell all of you Merry Christmas! Please know that we think of you often and you are in our prayers daily! I love the pictures you have posted of Lillian. It sounds like she is quite the trooper!

Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Ward's! (Glen, Sarah & Tucker)

Anonymous said...

Lori ,Jeff and precious Lillian,
You are constantly in our prayers and thoughts. Each day I try to storm Heaven with prayer that Lillian will be all well soon.You are an inspiration to us ,she is so very fortunate to have such wonderful giving parents.Have a peaceful Christmas and a 2007 full of hope and good news.
God love and bless all three of you.Deborah (Corbett)

Anonymous said...

Lori, Jeff and Lillian - Today we received Traci's holiday letter, where we have just learned Lillian's journey. While I have only met you a few times over the years at events with Todd and Traci, length of association means nothing in the world of hope, faith and prayers, and I just wanted you to know we are sending you tons of each! We, too have been to Doernbecher's a few times this year with one of our girls, enough to know that they work miracles every day - your angel is in the best of care. We will continue to check the blog to watch Lillian's recovery to wellness!
enjoy youf Christmas at home!
Mike and Kelly Middendorff (Friends of Todd and Traci)

Unknown said...

Harris family,
Merry Christmas. I love the blog and I know that I am not just talking for myself. It helps to feel like we are there with her and you during this trying time. She looks beautiful, bald is most definately beautiful. That blanket game looks fun and is a great idea that I might be borrowing in the next few months. I will definetly miss you all during the holidays ,but I hope you all the best I love you all. I know 2007 is going to be better, it has to!!!!(for everyones sake) Hang in there, Maire chad and Bryson

Anonymous said...

Lillian looks great! How fortunate she is to have such wonderful parents! On this Christmas Eve Day, our family wishes you a wonderful Christmas and our prayer that 2007 will be a super year of healing for Lillian! May God bless you all and bring you comfort and joy!

Jennifer said...

Merry Christmas!!!

Thanks again for keeping us updated, Lori. Your and Jeff's (and Lillian's) strength is so inspiring to our family. We're praying that God brings healing and comfort to your home.