Saturday, December 2, 2006

Return to the Pokey

"Oh Ched, we have to stop meeting like this. People will start to talk."
(For those of you who are utterly confused, Ched is introduced in my last posting.) After a successful round of chemotherapy, we are back in the pokey (as Jeff has appropriately termed it). It guess it was about time for us to return since a week at home seems to be the maximum allowed.

Yesterday Lillian spiked a fever of 100.5 which just so happens to be the exact number that requires a phone call to the oncology clinic. Her counts (red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, neutrophils) which were remarkably good on Wednesday have dropped predictably to nearly non-existent. *Not to panic, this is the normal response cycle to chemotherapy.* So we're confined to this cozy hospital room for the next few days until her counts recover. This will be aided by transfusions of blood and platelets in addition to ongoing shots of GCSF to boost her white blood cell production. The upside is that we (and by we I mean Jeff) don't have to give her the shots at home anymore!

Speaking of shots, there should be some sort of degree or title earned for the parents of kids with cancer. Between the subcutaneous injections, the daily heparin flushes and the weekly dressing changes for her central venous line, we have certainly performed more medical procedures than the average layperson. I'm considering adopting the title "Certified Oncology Practitioner" (aka COP). It has a nice ring to it, don't you think? But I digress...

Though we are administering this regular routine of torture, I must stop to consider that Lillian is in fact the one enduring it. And enduring it well, particularly for a 2 year old. She is getting so used to pokes that she cries for about 30 seconds and then is ready to play again. The biggest obstacle for her is sleep. She seems to sleep only a few hours max at a time day or night. It's tough to tell whether she is used to being awakened from the extended hospital stays or whether she's hungry since her appetite is minimal or whether she is in pain. In fact, that is our biggest request of all you faithful prayer warriors. Please bring the energy and contentment that only a good nights sleep can deliver. Sweet dreams everyone.


Jennifer said...

Ah...the ched sounds like it could be the subject of a really good sketch someday...
We'll start praying for sleep for all of you. Let us know if there is anything else at all that we can be helping with.

The Tucson Gang said...

Lor- you crack me up, such a good sense of humor - even in the midst of such an ordeal! I love your tone..and you and Jeff do deserve an award...although I'll give the tough girl award to Lillian - getting the pokes is far worse than giving them...although I'm speaking from a non-shot giver! :-)

Hang in there...hopefully sleep is coming for all of you!
Love, Tucson bunch