Saturday, December 16, 2006

Good News & Bad News

Jeff thinks I should be required to take a nap prior to writing a post but I'm choosing to live dangerously. And given the lack of sleep over the past 3 nights, this is like poking-a-rattlesnake-dangerous but here goes...

Good news: We're home again after round 3 of chemotherapy. She again tolerated it very well.
Bad news: She didn't tolerate the kidney and hearing tests quite as well but we got through them.

Good news: Let's hear a resounding cheer as we reach the half-way point in her chemo! Hooray!!
Bad news: The next half of chemo is more aggressive though we have been told that any side effects will be managed equally as well as in the first half.

Good news: She gained some weight over the week at home.
Bad news: There is something about the hospital that turns off her appetite. We're hoping that we can pack some lbs on her over the next couple of weeks at home.

Good news: We have power and there was no damage to our house in the windstorm.
Bad news: Three trees fell from our property onto our neighbor's house in the windstorm. There is a bit of damage to their roof and gutter but nothing that a tarp can't fix for now.

We know that her counts will be at their lowest over the holidays. But our greatest hope is that she will avoid any of the other symptoms that would cause us to check back in to Hotel Doernbecher for Christmas. They do a truly wonderful job at celebrating holidays BUT it's somewhat wasted on those unlucky few who are confined to their rooms. So please pray that we can spend the next 2 1/2 weeks at home celebrating this wonderful time of year and fattening up our little girl. Though she hasn't officially given us a list, I'm pretty sure this is what the short list of Lillian's Christmas wishes would look like:
  • A couple of extra pounds
  • Dreaming of sugar plums in my own bed
  • Watching rocket (aka Little Einsteins) for the one millionth time

She's very easy to please, don't you think?

1 comment:

The Tucson Gang said...

Lori- You are sooo funny. I love the live dangerously posts, they show the real deal! Keep your spirits high...we're all pulling for you guys to be at home for Christmas and beyond. And tell Lillian...Rocket neeedddsss MORE POWER...pat, pat, pat, pat, pat! :-) Are you going crazy yet? It could be could be Barney! :-)

Have you made Monster Cookies for her yet? We'll have to get baking! Those always help me fatten up! :-)

Love to you all!