- If one person in the house is on a high-fat diet, everyone in the house is on a high fat diet.
- The hospital meal rejected by the pediatric patient should not be used as a supplemental snack for an adult.
- Homemade brownies will add pounds to everyone who eats them, except to the person trying to gain weight.
- Just because a menu is designed by the Food and Nutrition Department of a hospital doesn't mean it's healthy.
- Weight is balanced across a family. As one family member loses a pound, the others must gain it. It is also acceptable for the other family members to gain some multiple of said pound.
- Something akin to the Bermuda Triangle is formed between a person, a meal/snack and the tv. Food just disappears.
- Half and Half is exactly what it says...half a pound in half a glass.
- You cannot push a stroller up and down a hospital hallway long enough to burn the equivalent calories found in a Starbucks peppermint hot chocolate and cinnamon roll.
- If a carrot makes you feel better in a stressful situation then a carrot cake will make you feel a lot better.
- If you only wear sweat pants, eventually you will only fit into sweat pants.
As I prepare to enter the aforementioned Bermuda Triangle, I want to wish you all a happy and healthy 2007. We are confident that with God's help, great things are ahead for us in this new year.